In the Holy Temple of the Nativity located in the Holy City of Bethlehem in Palestine, a special Absorbent Brass Manual was placed with handmade carving, for lighting candles. This special construction was made by the ecclesiastical company “Evangelidis D. Elias”, after the consent of Archbishop Jordan. Θεοφύλακτου. The construction of the Absorbent smoke collector is unique and elaborate. The construction material is brass, on which there are handmade relief carvings with representations and symbols of Orthodoxy. The representation of the Nativity of Christ stands out at the top and at the bottom the symbols of the monks-guardians of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem – the so-called Hagiotaphite Brotherhood. The Church of the Nativity is the second place of worship of Christianity after that of the Resurrection and is a World Heritage Site.