Epigonatio Baptism Of Jesus Christ hand-made gold embroidery, with tirtirene tassels.
The Epigonatio is rhomboid fabric depending on the belt with various performances. It is worn by the High Priest and every officiating elder. It depicts the washcloth with which the Lord washed the feet of His Disciples.
The Epigonatio is a rhombus-shaped vestment that hangs next to the right knee (on the knee) of the priest.
Its garb is not permitted to a deacon or a simple elder, but to those who hold an ecclesiastical office after the rank of protopresbyter, that is, archimandrite, bishop and patriarch.
The original use of the Epigonatio was as a towel and symbolized the towel or apron (lentio), which the Lord used at the Last Supper.
Also, due to its resemblance to a shield, it also symbolizes the spiritual armor that the Priest of God must have to protect the flock entrusted to him by the Lord.
During his ceremonial vestment, the priest secretly recites what was written under David in the psalms (44,45) to the MessiahYou gird your sword on your thigh, Mighty One, your beauty and your beauty and strengthen and guide and reign because of truth and meekness and justice and your right hand leads you wonderfully. Now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen».
It also symbolizes the spiritual sword, “when you are strong all the arrows of the wicked one, the fiery ones are quenched… and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God” (Eph. 5, 16). According to Saint Simeon of Thessaloniki, it also symbolizes the victory over death and the Resurrection of the Lord. That is why, when dressing, the ministers say: “Gird your robe on your thigh, Mighty…”
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